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Best-of Bûcherons: Lourdes
Vous aimez les boites, nous aussi. Voici un résumé de crashs en vidéo !
#SketchySunday - Check out the carnage here in Lourdes as the big boys take a tumble on the infamous 'wall'. Plenty of crashes and over the bars in the horribly slick conditions including Gee Atherton, Eddie Masters MTB and "Sik Mik" Mick Hannah.-#slickaspigshit #bikesoverbibles
Funniest crash video of the 2016 Lourdes World Cup.Some epic crashes, remixed to Scatman.Feat. Gee Atherton, Marcelo Gutierrez, "Sik Mik" Mick Hannah, Phil Atwill, Jay Williamson, Plus heaps more crashes!
Lourdes Day 1. This was early doors this morning when things were at their greasiest - and these two certainly weren't the only victims of Lourdes' 'Wall' section. When the rain came down later in the day, even the world's best were seen taking the escape line around this one. Cheers McKnight.
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