I have decided to use a bit of the extra time I have had recently to trawl through the Archives and revisit some of my favourite tricks I have done in recent years to provide a deeper insight into just what goes on behind the scenes.
For Episode 2 we look at the “Barrel Roll” from my 2018 Film “Danny Day Care” I produced with Cut Media.
‘Danny Day Care’ Full Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj0CmnxuTaQ
Still Images: Dave Mackison
Intro / Theme:
“From the Bra...
Danny MacAskill - Archive - The Trailer Flip
par 26in
335 646 vues |
Danny MacAskill nous montre les coulisses des tricks les plus fous qu'il a réalisé. Dans cette vidéo on parle du "log slide" (glissade sur tronc d'arbre) qu'on voit dans la vidéo Wee Day Out. Des centaines de tentatives, de la vaseline et ... la délivrance enfin.
‘Wee Day Out’ Full Film: https://youtu.be/K_7k3fnxPq0
Footage provided courtesy of Red Bull.
Still Images: Fred Murray / Red Bull
Intro / Theme:
“From the Braes to The Bayou by Blair Douglas”
Danny MacAskill - Archive - The Log Slide
par 26in
507 134 vues |
Sorti en 1996 le film Chainsmoke met à l'honneur des riders, sponsorisés par la marque au renard à l'époque, tels que : Shaun Palmer, Mike Metzger, Missy Giove, Tinker Juarez, Alison Sydor, Myles Rockwell, Joe Parkin...
par 26in
39 931 vues |
Les mots nous manquent. C'est énorme.
Could These Be The Biggest Features Red Bull Rampage Has Ever Seen?
par 26in
170 712 vues |
Vélorose nous offre quelques belles images des entrainement à la Rampage. La taille des drops de TMac et Strait sont démentielles.
(c) Website - https://pinkbike.com
Red Bull Rampage 2019 Practice RAW
par 26in
89 412 vues |
Darren Berrecloth aka "Bearclaw" descend de la montagne à la Rampage.
Darren Berrecloth GoPro Course Preview | Red Bull Rampage 2019
par 26in
68 971 vues |
La Rampage il y a 17 ans...
Arrivaient-ils seulement en bas sans chuter ??
L'édition 2019 se profile : https://www.26in.fr/news/53035-red-bull-rampage-2019.html
Best of Red Bull Rampage: 2002 - How Big Can We Go?
par 26in
58 364 vues |
Vous avez vu la dernière vidéo de Fabio "Wibmers Law ?" Voici l'envers du décor !
Behind The Scenes | Fabio Wibmer's Law
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5 452 862 vues |
Danny MacAskill fête son nouveau contrat !
'The Wind That Cried The World' by The Phantom Band
Video Production:
Danny MacAskill x adidas Outdoor : Welcome to the Family
par 26in
3 914 880 vues |
Rachel Atherton signe sa 38ème victoires en coupe du monde, elle se rapproche de la marque d'AnneCaroline Chausson (41 victoires). Amaury Pierron persiste et signe après sa victoire en 2018 à Fort William, il prouve qu'il est là pour rester et poser son empreinte.
Rachel Atherton & Amaury Pierron Winning DH Runs Fort William | UCI MTB World Cup 2019
par 26in
151 279 vues |
Amaury Pierron à la maison avec ses frangins. La terre de l'Auvergne serait-elle un bon terreau pour les champions et futurs champions ? Il semblerait que oui !
Between the Races: Amaury Pierron
par 26in
138 950 vues |
Besoin d'un baby sitter ? Voyez avec Danny MacAskill pour quelques sensations fortes !
In his latest film Danny Macaskill takes on some child care the only way he knows how... by taking them for a wee bike ride around Scotland!
No children were involved in any stunts during the making of Danny Daycare! Please don't try this at home (obviously!)
Created by http://cutmedia.com
'Hitchin a Ride' by Vanity Fare courtesy of Universal Music
Danny Macaskill: Danny Daycare
par 26in
12 520 348 vues |
Gee Atherton nous embarque sur la piste de Maribor ! Le tracé est dingue ! On a hâte de voir les chronos tomber ! :)
Momentum in Maribor! Gee Atherton DH Course Preview | UCI MTB World Cup 2019
par 26in
97 920 vues |
Apparement le rouge fait aller plus vite !
par 26in
137 001 vues |
La coupe du monde 2019 de VTT de descente va commencer incessamment sous peu. La pression monte, monte, monte !
Si jamais vous aviez oublié à quoi ressemble la descente, ces images vont vous aider !
The Downhill MTB Mashup to Get You Race Ready | UCI MTB 2019
par 26in
55 283 vues |
La saison 2019 de Slopestyle commence ce samedi 23 mars, voici donc un récap' de la saison 2018 pour se remettre dans le bain !
Was This The Best Slopestyle Season Ever? | Crankworx 2018 Highlights
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48 859 vues |
Greg Callaghan roule dans les bois chez lui avec un drone qui le pourchasse.
Le trail est situé à Tollymore en Irlande du Nord.
Drone de course : John Lawlor
Drone MTB On Irish Enduro Trails | Sound Of Speed w/ Greg Callaghan
par 26in
124 988 vues |
Kade Edwards & Kaos Seagrave roulent à Whistler... ! Tout en trav' !
Get Sideways At Whistler MTB Park | Sound of Speed w/Kade Edwards & Kaos Seagrave
par 26in
255 430 vues |
Le BMX street fluctue au gré des modes, des vidéos des pros, des compétitions partout dans le monde. Mais au Nigeria les choses se passent différemment. Dans ce film vous rencontrerez trois figures de la scène BMX du Nigeria : Starboy, KK Money and S-King. Ils nous racontent à quel point le BMX a changé leurs vies.
Faire du vélo a toujours été un moyen à travers le monde de casser les murs et franchir les barrières, voici un bel exemple.
Credit : RedBull Bike.
Meet The First Generation of BMX In Nigeria
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11 130 540 vues |
La saison de DH 2018 a été un peu folle. On espère tout autant de folie en 2019 !
Les dates : https://www.26in.fr/news/live/dh-wc-les-dates-2019-et-2020-sont-co.html
Best Of The Wild Ones UCI DH World Cup 2018
par 26in
136 712 vues |
L'article qui décortique tous les tricks : https://www.26in.fr/news/51412-brandon-semenuk-aim.html
La dernière vidéo pleine de tricks inédits de Brandon Semenuk. Un pur bijou à voir et à revoir.
AIM feat. Brandon Semenuk
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814 748 vues |
Une légende du freeride s'éloigne des compétitions, mais pas du vélo.
The Claw Retires | Red Bull Rampage 2018
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98 192 vues |
Richie Rude se promène dans les bois où il a commencé à faire du vélo !
Back to the back yard, where it all started.
Two Time Enduro World Series Champion, Richie Rude, sets his sights on blazing a new trail in the Northern Tip of New England to plant a seed for future MTB riders and bring world class mountain bike race events to his back yard at Burke Mountain.
Richie Rude Blazes His Own MTB Trails | RAW 100
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265 370 vues |
Aperçu de la piste avec les images des entrainements et les commentaires de Gee Atherton !
What To Expect From The Downhill World Champs In Lenzerheide | UCI MTB 2018
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46 030 vues |
Les meilleurs moment de la course à la Bresse ! Voir notre portfolio complet sur le site : http://www.26in.fr/news/50677-la-bresse-dh-wc-7-la-finale.html
Full Recap of France's MTB Downhill Stop. | UCI MTB 2018
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143 250 vues |
Le récap' de la coupe du monde à Mont Saint Anne avec la superbe victoire de Loïc Bruni !
Full Recap of Canada's MTB Downhill Stop. | UCI MTB 2018
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152 013 vues |
Mais pourquoi diable Nicholi Rogatkin ne porte pas de visière ? Cam McCaul essaye de percer ce mystère pour vous, tout en découvrant la vie du prodige.
MTB Legend Cam McCaul meets up with Nicholi Rogatkin. | McCaul Meets
par 26in
Matt Jones, avec le son pur (ré-éditon de sa vidéo Frame Of Mind). On a hâte de la voir à Innsbruck pour le slopestyle aux Crankworx !
100 seconds of the gnarliest ever MTB course with Matt Jones. | Raw 100
par 26in
340 180 vues |
Les highlights de cette folle course à Fort William !
Get the full highlights of the Fort William downhill stop. | UCI MTB 2018
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113 756 vues |
Le présentateur et commentateur Rob Warner a passé quelques jours au Pays de Galles chez Rachel Atherton. Rob a essayé de suivre Rachel sur les pistes du DYFI bike park, mais il s'est pris un beau bûcheron !
Bref une tour dans la vie de la détentrice du nombre de victoires consécutives en coupe du monde de DH.
ROB MEETS: Rachel Atherton | E1
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252 709 vues |
0,789 seconde c'est ce qu'il a suffit à Aaron Gwin pour battre Lucas Shaw en Croatie. Et 3,559 secondes c'est l'écart que Myriam Nicole a creusé avec Rachel Atherton. Quelle entrée en matière pour cette coupe du monde 2018 !
UCI MTB 2018: Downhill racing highlights from Croatia.
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140 863 vues |
L'histoire de Casey Brown, de sa famille, des endroits où elle a grandit et de sa passion pour le vélo.
THE BAREFOOT BIKER: Casey Brown's way of the wildcard.
par 26in
217 223 vues |
Hans Rey, Danny MacAskill et Gerhard Czerner s'aventurent pour une course en montagne avec les VTT. L'équipe est parvenue au sommet du Kilimanjaro en Tanzanie (5149m).
Kilimanjaro - Mountain of Greatness | Trailer
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52 783 vues |
Retour sur les temps forts de la coupe du monde de DH 2017 avant de plonger pour la saison 2018 !
UCI WORLD CUP 2017 RECAP: All the highlights from a thrilling MTB DH season
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70 747 vues |
Darren Berrecloth, Carson Storch, Cam Zink and Tom Van Steenbergen embark on a mission within a few hundred miles of the North Pole to explore the vast and remote Axel Heiberg Island. Harsh temperatures, volatile weather, and 9-month winters have left the area void of human life. However, each summer, this frozen landscape flourishes under endless daylight, revealing mountain bike lines to incredible to ignore.
North of Nightfall | Arctic Teaser
par 26in
83 611 vues |
Fox présente le nouveau FLUX, une version re-visitée de l'incontournable casque d'all-mountain et enduro
FOX PRESENTS | THE ALL NEW FLUX featuring Loris Vergier and Tahnee Seagrave
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24 543 vues |
The streets of the Chilean city of Valparaíso were lit up by another thrilling running of the Red Bull Valparaíso Cerro Abajo urban DH race. The 16th edition of Red Bull Valparaíso Cerro Abajo didn’t disappoint, with the racing on the street-based urban DH course high octane from start to finish. In a close-run battle Tomáš Slavik took the win, with New Zealand’s Matt Walker second and local Chilean rider Matías Núñez rounding off the podium in third.
Tomáš Slavik - run gagnant - Red Bull Valparaíso Cerro Abajo 2018 | Urban MTB
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1 226 119 vues |
Danny MacAskill trial biking in Düsseldorf is the best thing you'll see this week. Join him in a raw tricks session around the german city of Dusseldorf, part of his Drop n Roll Tour: https://www.facebook.com/dropandrollteam
Footage by Ali Clarkson https://www.youtube.com/user/Butterboo90
Follow Danny MacAskill on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DannyMacAskill
Danny MacAskill trial biking in Düsseldorf. | Straight from the athletes
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448 434 vues |
►Check out all the Claudio Caluori videos in this specially made playlist: http://win.gs/claudiocaluori
You've seen Claudio Caluori previewing all the UCI MTB Downhill races this year. Now is time to see his best moments. Screaming, crashes, speed, Claudio has got it all. What is your favourite commentary?
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all...
Claudio sends some comedy gold. | Best of MTB POV 2017
par 26in
146 390 vues |
Drop into Red Bull Rampage in 360. Check out how gnarly the course is and join Darren Berrecloth on a ride of a lifetime.
Want more? Check out the replay of Red Bull Rampage here: https://youtu.be/ZfxGY-BsUnY
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.
Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV
See into our world: http://goo.gl/J4...
Drop in 360 with Darren "The Claw" Berrecloth. | Red Bull Rampage 2017
par 26in
132 388 vues |
Hidden amongst the glaciers high in the arctic circle are mountain bike lines too incredible to ignore. Harsh temperatures, volatile weather, and 9-month winters have left the area void of human life. Each summer, this frozen landscape flourishes under endless daylight, revealing a spectacular ecosystem. Join Darren Berrecloth, Carson Storch, Cam Zink and Tom Van Steenbergen as they embark on an expedition to the top of the world to explore this terra incognita. In doing so, they discover a...
North of Nightfall | Film TEASER
par 26in
133 241 vues |
►Watch the full Red Bull Rampage replay here: http://win.gs/2ySn8dc
Ethan Nell shows tons of speed and fluidity in his 3rd place run at 2017 Red Bull Rampage. Even when he landed his flat spin backflip deep he kept both of his feet on the pedals.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.
Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV...
3rd Place Run Ethan Nell | Red Bull Rampage 2017
par 26in
127 332 vues |
► Watch the Full Replay here: http://win.gs/2ySn8dc
Zink was the fourth man down the course, leading the contest for much of the first runs before Sorge went down. Zink's run saw him pull off an incredible steep line from the start to finish that had the crowd gasping at two incredible back flips off flat step-downs. Zink had also stomped his second run and looked to be challenging Sorge's first place but crashed doing a front flip on the last jump as he looked to eke out a few more points t...
2nd Place Run Cam Zink | Red Bull Rampage 2017
par 26in
247 825 vues |
►Kenny Belaey who traveled half of the world riding his bike in the most beautiful and challenging locations around the globe, went to Azerbaijan to conquer the rocks of Gobustan, unique for their ancient petroglyphs and charming atmosphere. In the story, Kenny is dreaming about how he tries on the character of the caveman living there and doing the engravings on the rocks. He also dreams of riding the rocks of Gobustan.
“A week riding rocks of Gobustan has been quite hectic. We got permi...
Kenny Belaey explores the Land of the Bulls.
par 26in
82 641 vues |
► Catch the best action from Red Bull Hardline 2017 and watch the replay on Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/RedBullHardlineReplay
Red Bull Hardline 2017 was harder than ever before, with sketchy conditions transforming the track throughout the entire weekend – so much so that the decision was taken to move the race start lower down. Watch as Riders were caught out by the slippery, steep rocks and the big gaps.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the...
Complete movie - Red Bull Hardline 2017.
par 26in
513 028 vues |
What does it take to make the sound of speed? The latest clip in our popular series sees Eddie Masters and Dave McMillan try their hands as Foley Artists.
Raw mountain bike videos are rightfully all the rage these days. The unadulterated action is complemented by some glorious sounds of soft rubber tearing through the earth and unfettered by any kind of soundtrack.
Those aurally exquisite sound effects aren't captured easily, so we decided to give you an exclusive insight into the 'sou...
Meet the Foley Artists of this Raw MTB video. | Sound of Speed
par 26in
136 637 vues |
As Loïc Bruni and the rest of the UCI downhill racers approach the end of the 2017 season, take a look back on the most memorable moments, heaviest crashes, thrilling victories and crushing defeats of the year.
The world of UCI downhill mountain bike racing is competitive, dangerous, and — above all — fast. Go inside the UCI season with rising star Loïc Bruni and get the story behind the top teams, riders, and races on the World Cup circuit.
Crash, Thrash and Bash | Fast Life w/ Loïc Bruni Ep 8 FINALE
par 26in
250 708 vues |
360 videos are great, but when you do them in an urban mtb environment, they are even better. Check out the riders as they go down the streets of Nuremberg before Red Bull District Ride.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.
Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV
See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U
Red Bull on Faceboo...
Take a 360 Urban MTB freeride at Red Bull District Ride.
par 26in
125 594 vues |
►Watch the replay of the race here: http://win.gs/RedBullHardlineReplay
Some of the best mountain bikers in the world flocked to the extraordinary course built by Dan Atherton to battle it out for a much sought-after place on the illustrious Red Bull Hardline podium.
The 2016 Red Bull Hardline champ Bernard Kerr returned to defend his title against Adam Brayton, Dan Atherton and Alexandre Fayolle to name a few.
In the end Craig Evans came out on top after a courageous lap in less-tha...
The winning run POV from Red Bull Hardline 2017 w/ Craig Evans
par 26in
131 325 vues |
Watch as Freerider Andreu Lacondeguy and Downhill Rider Francisco Pardal race down one of the 25 trails at the Lousã Bike Park in Portugal.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.
Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV
See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U
Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb
Red Bull on Twitt...
Flying down the Lousã Bike Park.
par 26in
116 876 vues |
RIDE. ALL. WAEATHER. - The elements fuel epic all day adventures on the trails. We don’t look to overcome, defeat or defy them. We welcome them and the advantages they bring. Advantages like hero dirt, cooler temps and endless runs which remind us that the beauty of riding doesn’t end just because summer does.
FOX MTB | Ride. All Weather | Bas Van Steenbergen and Kirt Voreis
par 26in
29 308 vues |
►Click here for more raw: http://win.gs/Raw100
No effects, no slo-mo. Just 100 seconds of raw action from the Canadian freerider Brendan Howey. Rupert Walker is back with another mind-blowing RAW 100 edit. Just riding captured at its most natural.
Twenty five year-old Brendan Howey is a Canadian freerider who rides for Andorran firm, Commencal Bikes. Right from its opening, the Sunshine Coast native has been one of the driving trail-building forces behind the Coast Gravity Park in British...
100 Seconds of Ultimate Flow | RAW 100 w/ Brendan Howey
par 26in
278 402 vues |
Documentaire sur les origines du VTT Freeride !
Check out their kickstarter campaign to learn more and support the film. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hellodarcy/the-moment-1
In the backwoods of British Columbia, Canada, three small but dedicated crews of adventure seekers were quietly changing the course of a sport and carving their paths in history. And it was all happening unbeknownst to each other, the cycling world, and ultimately, themselves....
The Moment feat. Wade Simmons, Richie Schley, Brett Tippie - Official Trailer
par 26in
66 694 vues |
►Check out the full story here: http://win.gs/Intersection
Mountain biker and artist Micayla Gatto rides in and out of her own painted landscapes in "Intersection" project.
In athletic endeavors, there are often underlying attributes that provide a foundation for talent. Mental and physical strength are the obvious pillars, but there are other forces at work which help to build an individual athlete's style in their sport. For Micayla Gatto, a Canadian professional mountain biker, arti...
Mountain Bike Meets Painting | Micayla Gatto's Intersection
par 26in
108 960 vues |
► CLICK for more info about Red Bull Rampage 2017: http://www.redbull.com/rampage
Virgin, Utah, once again beckons the best mountain bike riders to the desert to compete in one of the biggest tests of skill and guts in the world. Judged by former competitors, the 21 invited athletes have found an all-new event zone with more natural terrain options than recent years — returning the 12th edition of Rampage to the roots of big mountain riding, raw and untamed.
Experience the world of...
Red Bull Rampage: Meet the riders
par 26in
71 438 vues |
►Watch the replay of Red Bull District Ride here: http://win.gs/RedBullDistrictRideReplay
Szymon Godziek who performed as the first person the "Extension Man" (a Backflip with the bicycle while you grab the seat with only one hand) made at this intense run the third place at the Red Bull District Race 2017.After three years away, the ultimate urban freeride MTB contest returns to the plazas of Nuremberg, Germany. Thousands of fans pack the streets as the world's best riders throw down gra...
Szymon bringing the Extension Man over the Roofs of Germany I Red Bull District Race 2017
par 26in
237 102 vues |
►Watch the Replay of Red Bull District Ride right here: https://youtu.be/6TW_03DV0xE
That's how you win Red Bull District Ride 2017! After three years away, the ultimate urban freeride MTB contest returns to the plazas of Nuremberg, Germany. Thousands of fans pack the streets as the world's best riders throw down gravity-defying runs through the city's different "districts." Nicholi Rogatkin finished with a 1440, putting him into first place in front of Emil Johansson and Szymon Godziek.
Nicholi Rogatkin goes full send with a 1440 at Red Bull District Ride 2017
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153 642 081 vues |
►Watch Red Bull District Ride LIVE Tomorrow right here on Youtube: http://win.gs/RedBullDistrictRideYT
One jump, one trick, one hour. Who does it best? Watch live from Nuremberg in Germany as riders show off their skills before Red Bull District Ride.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time h...
Red Bull District Ride - Best Tricks Competition LIVE
par 26in
100 537 vues |
►Watch Red Bull District Ride LIVE right here this Saturday: https://youtu.be/6TW_03DV0xE
A first in MTB Slopestyle! Slopestyle athlete Szymon Godziek lands first ever backflip superman one hand seatgrab in ‘Extension Man’. On a custom built track he performed a backflip in the superman position while holding the seat with only one hand. Along with the help of his crew, he transformed his backyard into a true paradise for flying mountain bike enthusiasts and the only venue of its kind in Po...
The First Ever Backflip Superman One Hand Seatgrab | Szymon Godziek's Extension Man
par 26in
261 708 vues |
►Click to watch the replay of UCI MTB World Cup Val di Sole: http://win.gs/UCIMTBItaly
As unforgiving as ever, Val di Sole’s infamously brutal course was looking to take no prisoners as the 2017 UCI World Cup Downhill series came down to the line on a scorching Saturday in Italy.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.
Watch Red Bu...
How it all went down in Val di Sole I UCI Downhill World Cup 2017
par 26in
I have decided to use a bit of the extra time I have had recently to trawl through the Archives and revisit some of my favourite tricks I have done in recent years to provide a deeper insight into just what goes on behind the scenes.
For Episode 2 we look at the “Barrel Roll” from my 2018 Film “Danny Day Care” I produced with Cut Media.
‘Danny Day Care’ Full Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj0CmnxuTaQ
Still Images: Dave Mackison
Intro / Theme:
“From the Bra...
Danny MacAskill - Archive - The Trailer Flip
par 26in
335 646 vues |
Danny MacAskill nous montre les coulisses des tricks les plus fous qu'il a réalisé. Dans cette vidéo on parle du "log slide" (glissade sur tronc d'arbre) qu'on voit dans la vidéo Wee Day Out. Des centaines de tentatives, de la vaseline et ... la délivrance enfin.
‘Wee Day Out’ Full Film: https://youtu.be/K_7k3fnxPq0
Footage provided courtesy of Red Bull.
Still Images: Fred Murray / Red Bull
Intro / Theme:
“From the Braes to The Bayou by Blair Douglas”
Danny MacAskill - Archive - The Log Slide
par 26in
507 134 vues |
Sorti en 1996 le film Chainsmoke met à l'honneur des riders, sponsorisés par la marque au renard à l'époque, tels que : Shaun Palmer, Mike Metzger, Missy Giove, Tinker Juarez, Alison Sydor, Myles Rockwell, Joe Parkin...
par 26in
39 931 vues |
Les mots nous manquent. C'est énorme.
Could These Be The Biggest Features Red Bull Rampage Has Ever Seen?
par 26in
170 712 vues |
Vélorose nous offre quelques belles images des entrainement à la Rampage. La taille des drops de TMac et Strait sont démentielles.
(c) Website - https://pinkbike.com
Red Bull Rampage 2019 Practice RAW
par 26in
89 412 vues |
Darren Berrecloth aka "Bearclaw" descend de la montagne à la Rampage.
Darren Berrecloth GoPro Course Preview | Red Bull Rampage 2019
par 26in
68 971 vues |
La Rampage il y a 17 ans...
Arrivaient-ils seulement en bas sans chuter ??
L'édition 2019 se profile : https://www.26in.fr/news/53035-red-bull-rampage-2019.html
Best of Red Bull Rampage: 2002 - How Big Can We Go?
par 26in
58 364 vues |
Vous avez vu la dernière vidéo de Fabio "Wibmers Law ?" Voici l'envers du décor !
Behind The Scenes | Fabio Wibmer's Law
par 26in
5 452 862 vues |
Danny MacAskill fête son nouveau contrat !
'The Wind That Cried The World' by The Phantom Band
Video Production:
Danny MacAskill x adidas Outdoor : Welcome to the Family
par 26in
3 914 880 vues |
Rachel Atherton signe sa 38ème victoires en coupe du monde, elle se rapproche de la marque d'AnneCaroline Chausson (41 victoires). Amaury Pierron persiste et signe après sa victoire en 2018 à Fort William, il prouve qu'il est là pour rester et poser son empreinte.
Rachel Atherton & Amaury Pierron Winning DH Runs Fort William | UCI MTB World Cup 2019
par 26in
151 279 vues |
Amaury Pierron à la maison avec ses frangins. La terre de l'Auvergne serait-elle un bon terreau pour les champions et futurs champions ? Il semblerait que oui !
Between the Races: Amaury Pierron
par 26in
138 950 vues |
Besoin d'un baby sitter ? Voyez avec Danny MacAskill pour quelques sensations fortes !
In his latest film Danny Macaskill takes on some child care the only way he knows how... by taking them for a wee bike ride around Scotland!
No children were involved in any stunts during the making of Danny Daycare! Please don't try this at home (obviously!)
Created by http://cutmedia.com
'Hitchin a Ride' by Vanity Fare courtesy of Universal Music
Danny Macaskill: Danny Daycare
par 26in
12 520 348 vues |
Gee Atherton nous embarque sur la piste de Maribor ! Le tracé est dingue ! On a hâte de voir les chronos tomber ! :)
Momentum in Maribor! Gee Atherton DH Course Preview | UCI MTB World Cup 2019
par 26in
97 920 vues |
Apparement le rouge fait aller plus vite !
par 26in
137 001 vues |
La coupe du monde 2019 de VTT de descente va commencer incessamment sous peu. La pression monte, monte, monte !
Si jamais vous aviez oublié à quoi ressemble la descente, ces images vont vous aider !
The Downhill MTB Mashup to Get You Race Ready | UCI MTB 2019
par 26in
55 283 vues |
La saison 2019 de Slopestyle commence ce samedi 23 mars, voici donc un récap' de la saison 2018 pour se remettre dans le bain !
Was This The Best Slopestyle Season Ever? | Crankworx 2018 Highlights
par 26in
48 859 vues |
Greg Callaghan roule dans les bois chez lui avec un drone qui le pourchasse.
Le trail est situé à Tollymore en Irlande du Nord.
Drone de course : John Lawlor
Drone MTB On Irish Enduro Trails | Sound Of Speed w/ Greg Callaghan
par 26in
124 988 vues |
Kade Edwards & Kaos Seagrave roulent à Whistler... ! Tout en trav' !
Get Sideways At Whistler MTB Park | Sound of Speed w/Kade Edwards & Kaos Seagrave
par 26in