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Quand la plupart des gens voient un arbre mort, Chris Akrigg voit un module.
Chris Akrigg Process: The Tree
par 26in
67 182 vues |
L'histoire de Chris Akrigg, certainement l'un des VTTiste plus talentueux et créatif. Lui-même à du mal à se définir, il n'est pas "trialiste" car son coup de guidon va bien au delà du simple franchissement d'obstacle. Il est maitre dans l'art de la maitrise d'un deux roues, quelque soit la forme du guidon, le type de transmission ou la largeur du pneu.
Hi. I'm Chris Akrigg and this is my story so far. I've been riding riding bikes since I was five years old and I'm still going s...
par 26in
96 284 vues |
Chris Akrigg got a little taste of what Barcelona had to offer on the Mongoose Espana team trip, and it was so rad that he had to go back for more. He decided to book a trip back to Spain to complete what he couldn't get done because of the weather. Watch as Chris freerides his way through the Spanish dirt, rocks and trees, thrashing his Teocali and showing off his vast arsenal of trials skills.
If you haven’t already, check out the Mongoose En Espana Team Edit here:
Chris Akrigg: Freetrials
par 26in
115 492 vues |
We gave Chris Akrigg our all new adventure bike, the 2018 Guide, to take out for a spin and this is what he said; “This is the most fun I've had on a bike for ages! It's super quick on roads and gravel but strong enough to take on some pretty serious lines, plus it has somewhere to put your beers! Cheers.”
Watch this with headphones on!