PORTFOLIO: https://paulfisson.portfoliobox.net/
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goldenhelmetsprod/
Charles Bousquet, Rider Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charles_bousquet/
Charles Bousquet || 2018
par WoodGang
PORTFOLIO: https://paulfisson.portfoliobox.net/
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goldenhelmetsprod/
Antoine Devos, Rider Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/devos_a/
Opening Bikepark LaBresse - Antoine Devos [2018]
par Paul Fisson
5 433 vues |
PORTFOLIO: https://paulfisson.portfoliobox.net/
Mon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goldenhelmetsprod/
Paul Verecchia, Rider Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulo.mtb/
Paul Verecchia || 2018 [4K]
par Paul Fisson
Turbo Levo Carbon is the most powerful, smoothest, quietest, & smartest e-mountain bike.
Matt Hunter puts the Turbo Levo Carbon through its paces on his home soil of BC.
Matt Hunter: Turbo Levo Carbon
par 26in
237 038 vues |
Le Coastal Crew emmènent leurs Levo pour une bonne sortie plutôt engagée pour un VTTAE. Alors.. qui a dit qu'un bike à assistance électrique ne pouvait pas rouler comme ça?
What would you do with more power? Would you ride faraway trails, climb steeper mountains, go out longer? What about going bigger? Aboard the Turbo Levo, the Coastal Crew showed us that the only thing lacking in our pedal-assist mountain bike platform is your own imagination. Ride one and you'll know what we're talking...
Skeptical by the Coastal Crew
par 26in
132 305 vues |
The only thing you hear going down the trail is your bike, you're tuned into every sound it makes. One of the most satisfying things is a tire pattering down the trail, squashing muck, sliding over roots and smashing puddles. Unfortunately this lush, raw sound is often lost in most videos, overtaken by the music. Curtis Robinson takes advantage of winter conditions and makes some noise with his Stumpjumper FSR EVO.
par Brooklynbanks
1 084 vues |
Chromag riders Brendan Howey, Brandon Semenuk, Curtis Robinson, Logan Peat, Dylan Dunkerton and Kyle Norbraten ride the Sunshine Coast. Video by Mind Spark Cinema.
Chromag Family Album Vol 2 : The Coast
par 26in
4 442 vues |
We are very excited to announce our opening date will be May 10th 2014 ! You can now go to our website to book your riding days in advance. For 2014 we are opening with a shuttle service to get you to the top of our trails. To provide you with the best experience possible we have limited amount of seats available per day, so book now and come enjoy the freshest trails out there! CGP is a work in progress, and will be constantly evolving and changing around you and your feedback. From new trai...
Coast Gravity Park Opening Date!
par 26in
4 001 vues |
Magnus is not your average kid. He works very hard, and it shows in every aspect of his life. He is focused on his goals and knows exactly how to reach them. His level of skill is high, he has a dedicated training program, and with several podium finishes he is on the path to becoming one of Canada's premier downhill racers. But when you still have to go to high school, train every day, stay focused and juggle part time job its not easy to fund a racing career. This is where Magnus needs your...
Magnus Manson
par 26in
4 604 vues |
This is an on going un scheduled series - CGP Moments bring you direct action of riders and their favourite features around the park.
Dylan Dunkerton scrubs and whips on the newest section of jump trail.
Help support Coast Gravity Park by checking out our crowd funding page and help spread the word! indiegogo.com/projects/coast-gravity-park-campaign
Coast Gravity Park Moments - Dylan Dunkerton
par 26in
7 848 vues |
The Coast always seems to surprise and this day is no different. Today finds us exploring just one small fork in the road but has us realize how far the land and the sea can take us. Standing on the bridge between these two mystery worlds gives a true feeling of what-if and what's next. We witness a little of the unknown everyday and in our case you can never get to the end, all we can do is open our arms and take it in. Finding a balance in what the dark, vast ocean inlet can give you, and t...
The Narrows | SRAM X01 | All For One
par 26in
3 932 vues |
Quand le Coastal Crew fait un bike park, c'est juste fou.
On dirait un gazon de green anglais, à se poser la question de l'utilité des 200 mm de débattement.
An Introduction to Coast Gravity Park
par 26in
7 869 vues |
The Coastal Crew est de retour, voici un petit bout de making of qui présage encore une grosse vidéo bien canadienne.
On a hate.
The Making of Coastal Crew's New Movie ARRIVAL - Ep. 1
par 26in
1 000 vues |
Voici donc la vidéo "These Are The Days" de Kyle Norbraten.
Une journée type dans la vie d'un rider du Coastal crew, de grosses doses de clichés, mais que c'est bon !
These Are The Days - Kyle Norbraten
par 26in
5 232 vues |
These are the days, the ones that really matter. Memorable laps with friends, summer time vibes and golden sunsets. Nothing beats time at home, it is paradise to say the least. From dusk to dawn this is how we choose to spend our days.
These Are The Days - Dylan Dunkerton
par 26in
8 953 vues |
Le Coastal Crew revient à ses fondamentaux avec cette journée type (ou supposée type...) du Curtis Robinson.
These are the days, the ones that really matter. Memorable laps with friends, summer time vibes and golden sunsets. Nothing beats time at home, it is paradise to say the least. From dusk to dawn this is how we choose to spend our days.
Coastal Crew These Are The Days - Curtis Robinson
par 26in
8 984 vues |
Et voila, le rideau est levé, Specialized est le nouveau partenaire Bike du Coastal Crew.
Ca va envoyé!
Coastal Crew passe sur Specialized
par zapiks
9 411 vues |
Pour clore la saison 2011, mais également sa collaboration avec Scott, le Coastal Crew nous propose cette vidéo de transition vers une année 2012 pleine de nouveaux partenaires et de nouveaux projets.
Our year has come to a close, our film work is complete and its almost time to start the process all over again. 2011 was a fun filled productive year, and 2012 will be no different. This new season comes with some changes, including new sponsors, new friends and new goals. Look out, 2012 is...
2011 with The Coastal Crew
par 26in
7 092 vues |
Après un an de travail acharné pour sortir Inside out, le Caostal Crew hiverne et prend du plaisir sur 2 roues, quelque soit la section...
After a extremely hectic year producing our full length film Inside Out, we can now finally spend some time at home. Winter is the time where we change gears, slow down and catch up on everything that has been lacking in our lives. This is when the road bike hits the pavement, the pump track gets spruced up and the dirt bikes get fired up. We want to sh...
Winter Fun With The Coastal Crew
par 26in
10 095 vues |
Coastal Crew Go All-Mountain - le Coastal Crew célèbre la polyvalence du Genius LT dans cette vidéo.
Coastal Crew Go All-Mountain
par 26in
5 200 vues |
Voici la dernière vidéo du Coastal Crew avec toujours autant de bon ride bien stylé et avec un spot toujours aussi class !!!!
coastal crew
par alexrider65
26 478 vues |
Combo DVD+BluRay disponible dans la boutique : http://www.zapiks.fr/shop/bike/from-the-inside-out/
Coastal Crew From the Inside Out - Le teaser du prochain film du Coastal Crew qui pour le coup s'est associé à Anthill Film. Ca promet... Plus d'info sur http://www.26in.fr/news/3361-coastal-crew-from-the-inside-out.html
Coastal Crew From the Inside Out
par 26in
57 964 vues |
Coastal Crew's Backyard ou les coulisses du crew le plus célèbre de l'ouest (canadien). Une vidéo de Taylor Sage pour Truvativ.
Coastal Crew's Backyard
par 26in
6 855 vues |
Une vidéo Trek réalisée par le Costal Crew avec un gros travail de prise de vue. Brandon Semenuk revient en grande forme, c'est le moins que l'on puisse dire...
Semenuk en Utah
par 26in
26 640 vues |
[sophiee] Retrouver le coastal crew dans leur dixièmes épisodes.
Signée "The Coastal Crew Production"
Coastal Crew EP 10
par sophiee
23 710 vues |
[sophiee]Retrouvé le coastal crew dans leur construction avec,Dylan Dunkerton,Curtis Robinson,Callum Jelley et Kyle Norbraten.
Coastal crew-February building
par sophiee
8 812 vues |
Coastal crew episode 8 - suite des aventures filmique du crew le plus hype du moment, avec en vedette Kyle Norbraten et Dylan Dunkerton.
Coastal crew episode 8
par 26in
13 162 vues |
Coastal crew 7 whistler opening - Callum Jelley et Dylan Dunkerton font l'ouverture de Whistler, dans la joie et la bonne humeur forcément.
Coastal crew 7 whistler opening
par 26in
15 582 vues |
Coastal Crew 6 Brandon Semenuk - la série continue avec ce 6eme épisode consacré à Brandon Semenuk et sa passion pour les sports mécaniques et le bike.
Coastal Crew 6 Brandon Semenuk
par 26in
13 990 vues |
[e fureteur du web à votre service] Coastal crew episode 4 - Des pick-up, des gars aux cheveux longs et mal coiffés, des gros vélos... mais oui c'est bien le coastal crew !
coastal crew episode 4
par fureteur
6 959 vues |
[Le fureteur du web à votre service] Toujours le Coastal Crew et ses rendez-vous, toujours aussi bon.
PORTFOLIO: https://paulfisson.portfoliobox.net/
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goldenhelmetsprod/
Charles Bousquet, Rider Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charles_bousquet/
Charles Bousquet || 2018
par WoodGang
PORTFOLIO: https://paulfisson.portfoliobox.net/
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goldenhelmetsprod/
Antoine Devos, Rider Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/devos_a/
Opening Bikepark LaBresse - Antoine Devos [2018]
par Paul Fisson
5 433 vues |
PORTFOLIO: https://paulfisson.portfoliobox.net/
Mon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goldenhelmetsprod/
Paul Verecchia, Rider Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulo.mtb/
Paul Verecchia || 2018 [4K]
par Paul Fisson
Turbo Levo Carbon is the most powerful, smoothest, quietest, & smartest e-mountain bike.
Matt Hunter puts the Turbo Levo Carbon through its paces on his home soil of BC.
Matt Hunter: Turbo Levo Carbon
par 26in
237 038 vues |
Le Coastal Crew emmènent leurs Levo pour une bonne sortie plutôt engagée pour un VTTAE. Alors.. qui a dit qu'un bike à assistance électrique ne pouvait pas rouler comme ça?
What would you do with more power? Would you ride faraway trails, climb steeper mountains, go out longer? What about going bigger? Aboard the Turbo Levo, the Coastal Crew showed us that the only thing lacking in our pedal-assist mountain bike platform is your own imagination. Ride one and you'll know what we're talking...
Skeptical by the Coastal Crew
par 26in
132 305 vues |
The only thing you hear going down the trail is your bike, you're tuned into every sound it makes. One of the most satisfying things is a tire pattering down the trail, squashing muck, sliding over roots and smashing puddles. Unfortunately this lush, raw sound is often lost in most videos, overtaken by the music. Curtis Robinson takes advantage of winter conditions and makes some noise with his Stumpjumper FSR EVO.
par Brooklynbanks
1 084 vues |
Chromag riders Brendan Howey, Brandon Semenuk, Curtis Robinson, Logan Peat, Dylan Dunkerton and Kyle Norbraten ride the Sunshine Coast. Video by Mind Spark Cinema.
Chromag Family Album Vol 2 : The Coast
par 26in
4 442 vues |
We are very excited to announce our opening date will be May 10th 2014 ! You can now go to our website to book your riding days in advance. For 2014 we are opening with a shuttle service to get you to the top of our trails. To provide you with the best experience possible we have limited amount of seats available per day, so book now and come enjoy the freshest trails out there! CGP is a work in progress, and will be constantly evolving and changing around you and your feedback. From new trai...
Coast Gravity Park Opening Date!
par 26in
4 001 vues |
Magnus is not your average kid. He works very hard, and it shows in every aspect of his life. He is focused on his goals and knows exactly how to reach them. His level of skill is high, he has a dedicated training program, and with several podium finishes he is on the path to becoming one of Canada's premier downhill racers. But when you still have to go to high school, train every day, stay focused and juggle part time job its not easy to fund a racing career. This is where Magnus needs your...
Magnus Manson
par 26in
4 604 vues |
This is an on going un scheduled series - CGP Moments bring you direct action of riders and their favourite features around the park.
Dylan Dunkerton scrubs and whips on the newest section of jump trail.
Help support Coast Gravity Park by checking out our crowd funding page and help spread the word! indiegogo.com/projects/coast-gravity-park-campaign
Coast Gravity Park Moments - Dylan Dunkerton
par 26in
7 848 vues |
The Coast always seems to surprise and this day is no different. Today finds us exploring just one small fork in the road but has us realize how far the land and the sea can take us. Standing on the bridge between these two mystery worlds gives a true feeling of what-if and what's next. We witness a little of the unknown everyday and in our case you can never get to the end, all we can do is open our arms and take it in. Finding a balance in what the dark, vast ocean inlet can give you, and t...
The Narrows | SRAM X01 | All For One
par 26in
3 932 vues |
Quand le Coastal Crew fait un bike park, c'est juste fou.
On dirait un gazon de green anglais, à se poser la question de l'utilité des 200 mm de débattement.
An Introduction to Coast Gravity Park
par 26in
7 869 vues |
The Coastal Crew est de retour, voici un petit bout de making of qui présage encore une grosse vidéo bien canadienne.
On a hate.
The Making of Coastal Crew's New Movie ARRIVAL - Ep. 1
par 26in
1 000 vues |
Voici donc la vidéo "These Are The Days" de Kyle Norbraten.
Une journée type dans la vie d'un rider du Coastal crew, de grosses doses de clichés, mais que c'est bon !
These Are The Days - Kyle Norbraten
par 26in
5 232 vues |
These are the days, the ones that really matter. Memorable laps with friends, summer time vibes and golden sunsets. Nothing beats time at home, it is paradise to say the least. From dusk to dawn this is how we choose to spend our days.
These Are The Days - Dylan Dunkerton
par 26in
8 953 vues |
Le Coastal Crew revient à ses fondamentaux avec cette journée type (ou supposée type...) du Curtis Robinson.
These are the days, the ones that really matter. Memorable laps with friends, summer time vibes and golden sunsets. Nothing beats time at home, it is paradise to say the least. From dusk to dawn this is how we choose to spend our days.
Coastal Crew These Are The Days - Curtis Robinson
par 26in
8 984 vues |
Et voila, le rideau est levé, Specialized est le nouveau partenaire Bike du Coastal Crew.
Ca va envoyé!
Coastal Crew passe sur Specialized
par zapiks
9 411 vues |
Pour clore la saison 2011, mais également sa collaboration avec Scott, le Coastal Crew nous propose cette vidéo de transition vers une année 2012 pleine de nouveaux partenaires et de nouveaux projets.
Our year has come to a close, our film work is complete and its almost time to start the process all over again. 2011 was a fun filled productive year, and 2012 will be no different. This new season comes with some changes, including new sponsors, new friends and new goals. Look out, 2012 is...