Ed has taken a break from his #Enduro training to focus on what he feels is a more important and revolutionary type of cycling. He has fully committed his body and soul to the Fatbiking era and will continue to eat and train as much as he can until he stands on top of the box at the Fatbiking World Series.
Ed is interested in hearing from the following companies in relation to sponsorship... McDonalds, Burger King, Carl's Jr, Wendys and KFC.
Eddie Masters Gets Fat
par 26in
180 vues |
After Taf, un bon orage, un Fat Bike à tester, je zape les shoes en cale auto mais le bike est en pédales auto, des freins pour faire jolie qui freinent quedale, des pneus slick, une dh étroite et glissante, un after taf de 7min30 de dh qui fût long :-)
(la vidéo est pourrie comme la dh, désolé de la qualitée :-) )