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we have been loving this steep line all week so we had to go get the camera out and have a rip.
50to01 In Morzine 2017
par 26in
705 vues |
we have been loving this steep line all week so we had to go get the camera out and have a rip.
50to01 In Morzine 2017
par 26in
Thanks to jamie for organising such a great adventure, thanks to Santa Cruz for the fuel money. Sarah for cooking us amazing food and supply the YUM granola. Thanks to all the shops and great people for showing us your local spots along the way, thanks to MacPac for the camping gear and also thanks to gary laurin and guy for being rad. so many good times and memories. Music in order of appearance : Black Marble - MSQ no extra / Times New Viking - Fuck Her Tears / Grim - Last Request / Times N...
50to01tv New Zealand Roadtrip - A Jamie Nicoll Adventure
par 26in
Starting in Portland, we drove from the single speed worlds to santa cruz. stopping at a few spots along the way. So much fun was had, many different riders all having fun on bikes. the best. thanks to Allan Cooke for the organisation and hype.