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Finding the balance between work and you personal life is a never-ending trade-off. In my case; that balance is between making films and riding my bike. The state of perfect balance is when they both converge; when I get the chance to combine both riding and filming at the same time.
Since me and Philip Lundman share this view upon bikes and cameras, we've have had the idea of making another film together on that theme for quite some time now. We finally found some time to make it happen....
Jon Television - The Balance
par JonBokrantz
7 214 vues |
Jon Television revisite le classique "into the wild" en version bike.
Un régal pour les amoureux de la nature.
Jon Television - Into The Wild
par JonBokrantz
6 327 vues |
Le village de Fjöra, au plus loin perché dans les hauts Fjords norvégiens de Sunnmøre offre des parcours de plus de 1100m de dénivelé à rider jusqu'à la mer...
Norrona Fjora Replayed
par norronaworld
8 244 vues |