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La légende du freeride Thomas Vanderham roule le fameux trail "Rupert Walker's" pour ce nouvel épisode de RAW 100. Propre et efficace !
100 seconds of North Shore gnarliness | RAW 100 w/ Thomas Vanderham
par 26in
"The Thaw" ou "le redoux".... Ce moment où les jours rallongent, la neige fond, les trails refont surface et les vélos sortent du garage. Suivez Thomas Vanderham, Graham Agassiz, Matt Hunter et Luke Beers en quelque part en Colombie Britanique.
The Thaw
par 26in
4 709 vues |
A collection of my favourite images from 2017.
One Year, Two Wheels - Scott Secco Best of 2017
par 26in
10 220 vues |
Thomas Vanderham's moment of clarity came when he was 10 years old. After witnessing a neighbor kid doing wheelies in an alley, Vanderham set out to master the technique himself. His first attempt was spastic and short lived, but for a brief moment he felt that perfect balance point. And that feeling, the one that fluttered through him during that first wheelie attempt, is one he has continued to chase his entire life.
We all seek the feeling that 10-year-old Thomas had. When we find it, w...