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Veronique Sandler having lots of fun on her bicycles.
Vee-Tingz 2
par 26in
37 458 vues |
Veronique Sandler ride plus fort que toi.
Smiling and smiling all sorts of smiling.
par 26in
18 398 vues |
Enjoy our first mashup video of 2017 with riding from our global team riders.
Featuring: Reece Potter, Nico Vink, Antoine Buffart, Betz Canovi, Joel Anderson, Alexis D'heer, Toby Meek, Jan Feyser, Franz Grossmann and Veronique Sandler
Music: The Zombie Dandies - Kiss My Boots
Loose Riders 2017 - Mashup #1
par 26in
11 236 vues |