The Wild Ride West – « Dream adventures in the Pacific West Coast »
The perfect roadtrip : 2 weeks with 9 buddies from France living an epic trail bike journey on the best trails of Washington and British Columbia. Featuring Transition Bikes folks, Andreas Hestler and Jackson Goldstone.
The film is produced by Giromagny Enduro Team / Pierre Henni
Photography : Richard Bord & Pierre Henni
Sponsors : Algorigin, ION, Transition, ANVL, Smith, Bell, Northwave, WTB, Slicy, Squirt.
Special Thanks :
Bellingham :
Transition Bikes : Lars Sternberg / Kevin Menard / Dave Conley / Darrin Seeds
North Vancouver :
BC Bike Race : Andreas Hestler
Vancouver Island :
Island Mountain Rides : Martin Ready / Riding Fool Hostel : Jeremy Grasby / Washington Bike Park : Mike Manara
Squamish :
BC Bike Race : Jeff Riemer / Ron & Jackson Goldstone