The G-TEAM Project by FKlab is back !! Introduce a new generation of pumptrack by Gils'on Tracks !!
Insane drifts by Jeremy "Tchouf" Merires, huge stunts by Mathias Bellino #69, massive speed by Nicolas Gilson, Jp Aubin on the Road Bikes and Julien Bourguignon with the Mercedes-Benz Vito !!
Anne Caroline Chausson, Amidou Mir, Maxime Peythieu, Benoit Chauvet, Simon Chapelet, Maxence Chapelet and Greg Gilson manage the pumptrack !!
Thanks to everyone who took part in this project : Marion Akissi, Simon Favier, Bruneton Action Cascade, Patrick Bruneton, Mata Julien, Alice Baldo, Matthieu Gastou, Sophie Bernard, HELITEAM Montpellier France, Norman Kergoat - Vidéaste, Rase-Mottes productions, Stéphane Couchoud and to our partners Kenny Racing Freegun Gorrias Véhicules Industriels 4.42 Suspension XtremeMac Polygon Bikes Worldwide Doumé's Bar et Restaurant Paddock Moto