Après son crash à la Rampage, Mike Kinrade se remémore les bons moments de cette saison 2012 pour effacer ce souvenir douloureux et ne pas laisser à ses amis et fans une image négative. Mission accomplie !
It's almost winter here in Nelson, and I'm reflecting back on how the season was for me. Like every year it gets better and better, but I can't shake that dramatic crash I had at the Rampage and how it immobilized me for almost a month. This isn't the image that I want in my head when I reflect on the time spent with my bike, my friends, and the mountains that I love. I needed to get out one more time and ride something spectacular and challenging. I want to find a line never ridden before, and one that would have to be pretty gnarly. The journey up to it brings me back to why I love riding my bike. It's the time spent in the mountains and with your good friends that is really how I remember my season, the scary line is the cherry on top.