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4X - la riposte Fourcross Alliance

Ca n'aura pas trainé depuis l'annonce par l'UCI de l'abandon du 4X au menu de la Coupe du Monde 2012 (mais pas des Championnats du Monde, va comprendre...).

article 4x

Ca n'aura pas trainé depuis l'annonce par l'UCI de l'abandon du 4X au menu de la Coupe du Monde 2012 (mais pas des Championnats du Monde, va comprendre...).

Ca n'aura pas trainé depuis l'annonce par l'UCI de l'abandon du 4X au menu de la Coupe du Monde 2012 (mais pas des Championnats du Monde, va comprendre...). Scott Beaumont et Chris Roberts annoncent la création de la (ou du) Fourcross Alliance (voir le communiqué complet ci-dessous). Rien de très précis sinon l'envie de réagir rapidement, et de façon relativement soft (les possibilités de travailler avec l'UCI étant clairement évoquées). Par contre, on peut s'interroger sur les 1ers paragraphes du communiqué et du bilan qui est fait : le 4X y est présenté comme une discipline en plein essor. Il fait totalement l'impasse sur les problèmes à régler, bien au-delà de l'UCI, pour redonner à la discipline son attractivité auprès des coureurs, du public et, in fine, des sponsors. Mais attendons des précisions sur le projet.

Fourcross Alliance Press Release on the Future of 4X

The Fourcross Alliance are as stunned and surprised as the majority of people out there at the UCI’s decision to remove 4X from the Mountain Bike World Cup Series in 2012. The discipline that has provided so much entertainment during the 2011 Mountain Bike Series seemed to have secured it’s future with the UCI after what will be remembered as the finest, most unpredictable race series ever seen.

This decision to simply remove the discipline with no warning to riders, teams, federations or organisers, with a complete disregard to any contracts that are currently in place is probably the point that we are most annoyed about. There are teams and riders out there who have contracts which will run through 2012 to race World Cup 4X. We definitely feel that some better consultation and warning would have been an appropriate move from UCI.

We really feel sorry for the World Cup organisers who have successfully won their bids and have contracts in place for the 2012 Mountain Bike World Cup season which was due to include 4X.

Although we see this decision as being entirely the wrong one from the UCI and it’s management committee, the Fourcross Alliance now see this as an opportunity to help develop the sport to it’s full potential by creating a new 4X World Series.

After what has been a very successful 2011 season for 4X, the sport has continued to grow and showcase 4X as being one of the most exciting cycling disciplines the UCI have ever created. To end the sport now we feel is a mistake and it is vital to the continued development of the sport that 4X remains on the World stage.

We have had nothing but words of support for 4X in the last 24 hours and we anticipate many more opinions to be voiced in the coming days.

All the positive comments for 4X that have been written on the Internet from people all over the world have only fuelled our passion and devotion to make the new World 4x Series a success.

The Fourcross Alliance plan to work with the UCI, where possible, to create a new an exciting future for the sport of 4X.

The plans are already starting to take shape in the very short time period we have had to work on creating a new 4X World Series.

We have to get contracts in place before we start to publish details of the new 4X World Series but what we would like to say to all riders is continue to finalise your sponsorship deals for 2012 with the knowledge that we are working on creating a new 4X World Series for 2012 and beyond.

We would like to thank everyone for there messages & emails of support.

A full statement will be issued in due course.

Scott Beaumont & Chris Roberts

Fourcross Alliance

Photo Quentin Jaud.

7 Commentaires

kampfar on est encore en France, sur un site Français qui s'adresse aux Français, alors le pavé en anglais, non merci!
Pour aussi peu de service, je peux aller direct sur les sites anglo saxon.

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el_juanito push hard boys ! la nouveau circuit mondial de 4X ne pourra être que mieux, puisqu'il sera mené par des personnes ayant VRAIMENT envie de mener le projet à bien...

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