Riders came out swinging! Emil Johansson emerged, your new champion.
The official recap of the Maxxis Tires - USA Slopestyle in Memory of McGazza is here.
Watch the broadcast on Redbull.com/crankworx or Crankworx.com
Born in Whistler, B.C. in 2004, Crankworx has evolved into a multi-stop international festival series, bringing together the best mountain bike athletes to compete in elite-level competitions in a variety of disciplines, as well as hosting races for amateurs, Kid...
Maxxis Slopestyle in Memory of McGazza Official Recap - Crankworx Rotorua 2020
par 26in
48 141 vues |
The top first part of the famous top of the world stage from the EWS Whistler
Crankwork Whistler 2019 | Top of the World
In this second episode you will discover my trip in Canada. I ride the famous spot of Kamloops before heading to the Sunshine Coast for the realise of my next video for Chromag and we well finish at Whistler for the Crankworx.
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4 665 vues |
Brandon Semenuk nous montre les plus coins de la Nouvelle-Zélande sous l'oeil de Rupert Walker.
Business as usual.
Finding Flow in New Zealand | Midpoint feat. Brandon Semenuk
par 26in
Revoyez les runs hallucinants des trois premiers de la finale du slopestyle des Crankworx à Innsbrück 2019.
1. Brett Rheeder
2. Emil Johansson
3. David Godziek
The Winning Runs From Innsbruck | Crankworx Slopestyle 2019
par 26in
709 616 vues |
Ryan Howard et Brandon Semenuk font du vélo synchronisé.
Parallel feat. Brandon Semenuk and Ryan Howard
par 26in
695 942 vues |
Brook MacDonald a eu des bons comme des mauvais jours durant sa carrière en tant que pilote de DH. Mais il a appris à tirer parti des mauvais moments pour toujours continuer à poursuivre sa quête de victoire et... c'est tout ce qu'on lui souhaite !!
Photos : @maddogboris
Extraits vidéos des courses : RedBull TV et MS Mondraker.
The Art Of Passion Episode 5 // Brook MacDonald 'Cranking to the limit'
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10 154 vues |
Focus sur Thomas Genon lors des Crankworx de Rotorua. Les entraînements, la préparation pour la compétition et malheureusement... la blessure.
On lui souhaite un bon et rapide rétablissement.
Thomas Genon Goes for Broke at the Crankworx Rotorua Slopestyle 2019
par 26in
Preview stages of the EWS in Rotorua
CRANKWORX Rotorua 2019 | EWS Course
La saison 2019 de Slopestyle commence ce samedi 23 mars, voici donc un récap' de la saison 2018 pour se remettre dans le bain !
Was This The Best Slopestyle Season Ever? | Crankworx 2018 Highlights
par 26in
Récapitulatif vidéo de la course de DH de Windrock (circuit national américain) où beaucoup de pros étaient présent car SRAM faisait un "test camp" la semaine d'avant non loin.
Vainqueurs :
Juniors hommes : Ethan Shandro,
Juniors femmes : Ella Erickson,
Elites femmes : Rachel Pageau,
Elites hommes : Loris Vergier
Windrock Mania 2019 Pro GRT
par 26in
11 426 vues |
Darren Berrecloth - The Claw - est un des pionniers du freeride. Il a insufflé sa vision du VTT à toute une génération de riders.
Dans cette interview, il explique aussi la règle du 10%* qui pour lui est la base de la bonne entente entre les compétiteurs.
*(10% des gains du prize money doivent servir à payer des coups au bar après).
The Claw and the 10% Rule | Wheel of Gnar
par 26in
Ethan Nell et Tom Van Steenbergen profitent de l'Utah, loin de la pression de la compétition. TVS nous pose un magnifique frontflip drop, sans parler de ce scrub...!
MESA ft. Tom Van Steenbergen & Ethan Nell
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187 544 vues |
Matt Jones fait un concours de Bûcheron Award avec lui-même. Il doit avoir les épaules sacrément solides !!
par 26in
Shifting perceptions (changer de perspective / de point de vue) est une mini série signée des Crankworx à propos des athlètes féminines qui concourent les différentes épreuves de cette compétition hors-norme.
Darren Kinnaird (l'organisateur en chef des Crankworx) dit à propos de cette série : "Nous voulons que les gens voient ces femmes comme les héroïnes qu'elles sont. Bannissons le "tu roules bien pour une fille" de notre vocabulaire. Cela n'aide pas à représenter la scène qui existe. Les...
Shifting Perceptions: Spark to Flame
par 26in
Nous organisons des voyages, c'est à vous de créer vos souvenirs ;)
CBD - Valentin Debaque et Robin Séné - Whistler
par Valentin Dbq
824 vues |
L'article qui décortique tous les tricks : https://www.26in.fr/news/51412-brandon-semenuk-aim.html
La dernière vidéo pleine de tricks inédits de Brandon Semenuk. Un pur bijou à voir et à revoir.
AIM feat. Brandon Semenuk
par 26in
814 748 vues |
La légende du freeride Thomas Vanderham roule le fameux trail "Rupert Walker's" pour ce nouvel épisode de RAW 100. Propre et efficace !
100 seconds of North Shore gnarliness | RAW 100 w/ Thomas Vanderham
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158 874 vues |
This is a Downhill MTB video shoot during our road trip from France to Austria
filmed with : Gopro Hero 6 Black + Ninja Mount
Lenzerheide - Switzerland
Serfaus - Austria
Innsbruck - Austria
Rider : BIKER38 - En route pour
Sappheiros & Almaa - Dreams
Grandtheft - Give me more
Drapht - Jimmy Recard Music Vid
Hip Hop Rap Instrumental (Crying Over You) - Chris Morrow 4
ZEDION - Clairvoyance (Instrumental Mix)
Record and Edit:
Subscibe to this Y...
par worldrider
521 vues |
Comment ne pas tomber amoureux? Ses courbes et sa ligne racée... ce vélo est magnifique!
Vous pensiez à autre chose...?
Maheva Pawlak ouvre le bal avec ce premier épisode. Toutes une série d'épisodes arrivent afin de vous faire découvrir comment se passe un été chez CBD.
Edit à partager sans modération ;)
CBD - Maheva Pawlak - Whistler
par Valentin Dbq
1 958 vues |
Trainings du slopestyle à Whistler !
WIth Joyride just a few days away, which tricks will be on show? We caught up with the riders during practice to see what's up.
Which Tricks will the Pros be trying at Joyride Whistler?
par 26in
Damien Vergez (FastFokus) filme William Robert pour la compétition "Dirt Diaries" (concours vidéo réalisé dans le cadre des Crankworx à Whistler).
C'est beau et Damien Vergez a remporté les Dirt Diaries !
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48 332 vues |
Random shot from Les Gets during Cranworx 2018.
Gopro/Mtb/Dh/ Crankworx Les Gets 2018
par Flavien Rutat
115 vues |
Un nouvel épisode de "Raw 100" cette fois-ci avec Brandon Semenuk dont on n'avait plus trop entendu parler. Mais le voici de retour avec un last trick assez inédit !
100 seconds of pure Brandon Semenuk MTB bliss. | Raw 100
par 26in
Music: Leningrad- Voyage (Allrights to their owners
Crankworx 2018
par madein74
72 vues |
Les 3 meilleurs runs du slopestyle aux crankworx aux Gets en 2018.
1. Nicholi Rogatkin
2. Brett Rheeder
3. Erik Fedko
Crankworx Les Gets - 2018 Crankworx Les Gets Slopestyle Recap
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10 840 vues |
Mais pourquoi diable Nicholi Rogatkin ne porte pas de visière ? Cam McCaul essaye de percer ce mystère pour vous, tout en découvrant la vie du prodige.
MTB Legend Cam McCaul meets up with Nicholi Rogatkin. | McCaul Meets
par 26in
Matt Jones, avec le son pur (ré-éditon de sa vidéo Frame Of Mind). On a hâte de la voir à Innsbruck pour le slopestyle aux Crankworx !
100 seconds of the gnarliest ever MTB course with Matt Jones. | Raw 100
par 26in
Les aventures de Bizet en Nouvelle Zélande ! Pour les francophones, pensez à activer les sous-titres en français si besoin!
The second half of my Crankworx Rotorua! Freeride session and the best of Speed and Style, Whip Off and Slopestyle contest!
In this video there is a bit of french when speaking with other frenchies, so put the english subtitles!
You can also follow my trip here :
Instagram : @antoinebizet
Facebook : @Antoine Bizet
Hope you’ll enjoy as much as I do!
par 26in
L'italien Torquato Testa rejoint la marque italienne de protection et casques, Bluegrass.
Bluegrass welcomes Torquato Testa
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2 239 vues |
Le récap du Slopestyle aux Crankworx Rotorua 2018.
Replay, résultats et analyse : http://www.26in.fr/news/48807-crankworx-rotorua-slopestyle-les-r.html
2018 Crankworx Rotorua Recap - Crankworx Rotorua Slopestyle in Memory of McGazza
par 26in
Récap de la 1ère épreuve de DH de la Crankworx à Rotorua (NZ), Redwood Downhill.
Résultats femmes :
1 - Vaea Verbeeck
2 - Casey Brown
3 - Jill Kintner
Résultat hommes :
1 - Sam Blenkinsop
2 - Brook MacDonald
3 - Mick Hannah
Redwoods DH 2018 - FULL Highlights
par 26in
Practice makes perfect in the world of Slopestyle where every top rider has a house or “compound” where they put in their 10,000 plus hours to perfect their sport and style to be ready for competition days.
TELUS STORYHIVE supports compelling, original stories told by filmmakers from BC and Alberta by providing production funding, training and exposure to new audiences.
Find out more - http://www.storyhive....
Inside Crankworx: The Brett Rheeder Story Pt.2
par 26in
A tribute to the spectators.
The Crowd
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2 751 vues |
Riders: Dylan Forbes
Bikes: Rocky Mountain Slayer - www.bikes.com
Gear: Raceface components & Raceface Apparel - http://bit.ly/2phUoXi
Locations: Squamish, BC / Robers Creek, Sunshine Coast, BC / The Coast Gravity Park, Sunshine Coast, BC
It seems as though it's every other day that I hear "The Shredit is dead man!' for some reason or the other. No matter how many times I hear it, I can't help but think otherwise....
Trail Bike Smashing w/ Dylan Forbes
par 26in
Sorry slightly late, Heres my 2017 End of year edit (RAW Due to copyright) If you want to see the original with music please visit my Facebook page, from mass start races to podiums to shredding with the worlds best across the Globe
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Deakinator1/
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16 405 vues |
It has been a hectic year, starting off with Jamaica all the way back in February... We've visited New Zealand, Australia, drove all over Europe and the USA whilst also getting Wheel Love filmed and hitting up races along the way... what a corker!! here's some of the footage all rolled up into one big raw year ending video. Cheers!!!
Raw-Reel 2017 // 50to01
par 26in
The Crankworx World Tour is where ordinary humans perform the extraordinary and launch into the realm of the unimaginable with seemingly superhuman power and passion. In 2018, Crankworx brings their feats of two-wheeled magic to four stops around the world. Come along for the ride as the Crankworx World Tour travels to Rotorua, New Zealand (March 17-25), Innsbruck, Austria (June 13-17) and Les Gets, France (June 20-24), before bringing it home to Whistler, Canada for the 15th year of Crankwor...
2018 Crankworx World Tour - The Realm of the Extraordinary
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13 916 vues |
Erwan Minet, 16ans. Il pratique le DH en compétition. Au cours de cette saison il a décroché le titre de champion d'Ile de France de DH, ce qui lui a permis de participer aux championnats de France. Il va concourir à l'international cette année avec les Crankworx 2018.
Il est donc à la recherche de sponsors pour 2018 afin de l'aider dans ses futurs courses !
Erwan Minet - YOUNG POWER
par bmfilms
1 194 vues |
So, this is where we put our heart and soul into. After one year of planning, switching up those plans, arranging and healing, we finally went on location and sent it. Creating this should reflect how Leo felt over the past months and how he was dealing with it. We drove thousands of kilometers and pushed through the pain at many points, now that is also what the video stands for. It's purpose. Whenever we watch this piece, we feel that intense personal vibe it is giving us - we hope you will...
Leopold Erhardt - Light In The Storm
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3 864 vues |
►Watch the full Red Bull Rampage replay here: http://win.gs/2ySn8dc
Ethan Nell shows tons of speed and fluidity in his 3rd place run at 2017 Red Bull Rampage. Even when he landed his flat spin backflip deep he kept both of his feet on the pedals.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.
Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV...
3rd Place Run Ethan Nell | Red Bull Rampage 2017
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127 332 vues |
Martin Söderström shows you how a track like the Red Bull District Ride is built. What does it take to make one of the best freeride urban MTB events? See what it takes to build an epic slopestyle course in the middle of the old town of Nuremberg, Germany. Get insights from course designer Martin Söderström, construction manager Niko Bößl and many other athletes plus find out how much fun the whole event is.
What does it take to build a track? | Red Bull District Ride
par 26in
Video of Crankworx Rotorua 2016
Filmed with gopro Hero 3+ Silver
Crankworx Rotorua Slopestyle 2016
par worldrider
774 vues |
360 videos are great, but when you do them in an urban mtb environment, they are even better. Check out the riders as they go down the streets of Nuremberg before Red Bull District Ride.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.
Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV
See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U
Red Bull on Faceboo...
Take a 360 Urban MTB freeride at Red Bull District Ride.
par 26in
125 597 vues |
►Check out the full story here: http://win.gs/Intersection
Mountain biker and artist Micayla Gatto rides in and out of her own painted landscapes in "Intersection" project.
In athletic endeavors, there are often underlying attributes that provide a foundation for talent. Mental and physical strength are the obvious pillars, but there are other forces at work which help to build an individual athlete's style in their sport. For Micayla Gatto, a Canadian professional mountain biker, arti...
Mountain Bike Meets Painting | Micayla Gatto's Intersection
par 26in
►Watch the replay of Red Bull District Ride here: http://win.gs/RedBullDistrictRideReplay
Szymon Godziek who performed as the first person the "Extension Man" (a Backflip with the bicycle while you grab the seat with only one hand) made at this intense run the third place at the Red Bull District Race 2017.After three years away, the ultimate urban freeride MTB contest returns to the plazas of Nuremberg, Germany. Thousands of fans pack the streets as the world's best riders throw down gra...
Szymon bringing the Extension Man over the Roofs of Germany I Red Bull District Race 2017
par 26in
►Watch Red Bull District Ride LIVE Tomorrow right here on Youtube: http://win.gs/RedBullDistrictRideYT
One jump, one trick, one hour. Who does it best? Watch live from Nuremberg in Germany as riders show off their skills before Red Bull District Ride.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time h...
Red Bull District Ride - Best Tricks Competition LIVE
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100 539 vues |
►Watch Red Bull District Ride LIVE right here this Saturday: https://youtu.be/6TW_03DV0xE
A first in MTB Slopestyle! Slopestyle athlete Szymon Godziek lands first ever backflip superman one hand seatgrab in ‘Extension Man’. On a custom built track he performed a backflip in the superman position while holding the seat with only one hand. Along with the help of his crew, he transformed his backyard into a true paradise for flying mountain bike enthusiasts and the only venue of its kind in Po...
The First Ever Backflip Superman One Hand Seatgrab | Szymon Godziek's Extension Man
par 26in
261 711 vues |
Jamais trop de whips
Whips, Whips and more Whips | Crankworx MTB Whip Off Highlights 2017
par 26in
► Catch the entire Crankworx 2017 season on Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/CrankworxCanada
Emerging at last year's Red Bull Joyride competition at the age of 17, Johansson took another step forward by standing on his first Joyride podium. The Swedish phenom took to the course with style and effortless technicality, including an array of combinations such as 360 barspin to downside tailwhip and a backflip barspin to tailwhip.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it bef...
Emil Johansson's On Fire | Red Bull Joyride 2017 Second Place Run
par 26in
Belle rencontre entre Brett Rheeder et Cam McCaul sur les nouvelles terres du "tricks ninja" !
Cam McCaul heads north to British Columbia, Canada in search of the elusive Brett Rheeder. His expedition pays off with a ripping good time getting the latest scoop on the Crankworx champ, as well as some personal stories from Rheeder's mom.
Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your...
Ripping Good Canadian Slopestyle | McCaul Meets Brett Rheeder
par 26in
2017 Crankworx Whistler Highglights - Whip-Off World Champs presented by Spank
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4 376 vues |
2017 Crankworx Whistler Highlights - Fox Air DH
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2017 Crankworx Whistler - Deep Summer Photo Challenge - JB Liautard
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2017 Crankworx Whistler Highlights - Canadian Open Dh presented by iXS
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5 032 vues |
2017 Crankworx Whistler Recap - Red Bull Joyride
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14 753 vues |
Edit tardif des Crankworx 2'17
Musique: Kasabian - Reason is treason
Crankworx les Gets 2017
par madein74
59 vues |
13minutes de DH ! Tracey Hannah et Marcelo Gutierrez l'emportent !
2017 Crankworx Whistler Highlights - Garbanzo DH
par 26in
2 864 vues |
Jill Kintner et Adrien Loron remportent la course !
2017 Crankworx Whistler Recap – Fox Air DH
par 26in