Danny MacAskill fête son nouveau contrat !
'The Wind That Cried The World' by The Phantom Band
Video Production:
Danny MacAskill x adidas Outdoor : Welcome to the Family
par 26in
Chris Akrigg, le génie du vélo.
Chris Akrigg - IN THE ROUGH
par 26in
197 548 vues |
Besoin d'un baby sitter ? Voyez avec Danny MacAskill pour quelques sensations fortes !
In his latest film Danny Macaskill takes on some child care the only way he knows how... by taking them for a wee bike ride around Scotland!
No children were involved in any stunts during the making of Danny Daycare! Please don't try this at home (obviously!)
Created by http://cutmedia.com
'Hitchin a Ride' by Vanity Fare courtesy of Universal Music
Danny Macaskill: Danny Daycare
par 26in
Brook MacDonald a eu des bons comme des mauvais jours durant sa carrière en tant que pilote de DH. Mais il a appris à tirer parti des mauvais moments pour toujours continuer à poursuivre sa quête de victoire et... c'est tout ce qu'on lui souhaite !!
Photos : @maddogboris
Extraits vidéos des courses : RedBull TV et MS Mondraker.
The Art Of Passion Episode 5 // Brook MacDonald 'Cranking to the limit'
par 26in
10 154 vues |
Weston Lloyd est originaire de Salt Lake City. Il n'a que 11 ans mais il a déjà du style à revendre.
Weston Lloyd - 11 ans
par 26in
7 505 vues |
At some point in their riding careers, almost everyone will find themselves in areas where bikes aren't necessarily welcome. So when we do find ourselves exploring the forbidden and unknown, it's best to keep your head down and do it discreetly. Because they can't find you if they don't know who you are.
Video: Wiley Kaupas & Drew Boxold
Rider Unknown
par 26in
15 657 vues |
L'histoire de Chris Akrigg, certainement l'un des VTTiste plus talentueux et créatif. Lui-même à du mal à se définir, il n'est pas "trialiste" car son coup de guidon va bien au delà du simple franchissement d'obstacle. Il est maitre dans l'art de la maitrise d'un deux roues, quelque soit la forme du guidon, le type de transmission ou la largeur du pneu.
Hi. I'm Chris Akrigg and this is my story so far. I've been riding riding bikes since I was five years old and I'm still going s...
par 26in
96 272 vues |
VICE's Red Cards meets one of downhill biking's all-time biggest names, Missy "The Missile" Giove. One of the first women to break out on the mountain biking scene in the 90s, Giove was known for her high-intensity riding style and outspoken personality. Her peddle to the meddle attitude did not always result in the safest rides, however, and Giove suffered several injuries throughout her career, eventually causing her to put down the bike.
With mounting medical bills and few other option...
The Champion Mountain Biker Turned Drug Smuggler
par 26in
1 401 371 vues |
Ce vlog est consacré au shooting photo avec la team de chez YT Industries. Nous avons rouler plusieurs endroits aux alentours de Marseille.
This vlog is dedicated to the photo shooting with Yt Industries team. We have ride several places around "Marseille".
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bryanregnier
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/regnierbryan902
Twitter: https://twitter.com/regnierbryan1?lan...
Produced by Hugo Marin.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hugolem...
SHOOTING | VLOG 02 | Bryan Regnier
par Bryan Regnier
7 706 vues |
Thanks for watching, you legends!
You can keep up to date with all my social media platforms below. Go follow them!
Instagram: @mattjonesmtb
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mattjonesmtb/?fref=ts
Be sure to check out my filmer's social media platforms too!
Instagram: @scottpattenden
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/scottpattenden
par 26in
269 423 vues |
Yooo people!
Back in the woods this week. Pumped to be putting a few of these videos out regularly now! I had a sick session on the jumps but one of the jumps needed fixing so I made it ride awesome. So the whole line of trails is feeling rad now! Thanks for watching my videos everyone! Can't wait for more winter MTB fun and more enduro bike fun..
Dropping a couple videos next week, so make sure you hit that red button, and turn notifications on!
Thanks for watching, you legends!...
Making The Jumps Sick!
par 26in
226 739 vues |
The first rendition of Black Sage by the Fest Series was hosted by Kyle Jameson & Carson Storch east of Bend, OR at the Oregon Dirt Park. All the boys travelled from the corners of the earth to enjoy a week and a half of shredding the Black Sage course, and all that Central Oregon has to offer. Kyle and Carson spent 6 months carving the line out of the earth, and it was enjoyed by all. Thanks to all the fans that came out to support the boys on the public day.
Fest Series 2017- Black Sage Highlight
par 26in
DEATHGRIP is now Available to purchase worldwide on ITunes.
The long anticipated feature movie puts the defining style of Brendan Fairclough with the progressive filmmaking of Clay Porter. Over 2 years in the making and following the critically acclaimed global premier tour, DEATHGRIP can now be experienced in the comfort of your own home.
Also Available on: Xbox, Playstation, Google Play, Amazon, Vudu, Fandango Now, Vimeo on Demand http://geni.us/DEATHGRIP
Stay tuned for more at: h...
par 26in
In 2016 Portugal was in grip of one of the worst droughts in its recent history. With high winds and average temperatures above 30 degrees ( 86 Fahrenheit) the country, unfortunately, provides the perfect target for heavy wildfires.
Until August last year nearly 116,000 hectares (286,600 acres) of forest, an area the size of 100,000 soccer fields, got burned.
Also the Algarve region, that is a famous tourist destination and provides some of Europe's best mountain bike trails, was hit by m...
ARSON - Mountainbiking in the burnt landscape of Portugal
par 26in
5 207 vues |
Qu’est-ce qui fait de la Californie l’un de tes spots favoris ?
Ce n’est pas seulement le beau temps, qui est quasiment l’opposé des conditions météo dantesques que nous avons eu au Royaume-Uni en ce début d’année. C’est aussi et surtout les super sentiers et descentes que l’on trouve par ici qui me motive à venir ici tous les ans avec des potes et mon frère. Les chemins ne sont pas tellement adaptés à du test intensif, mais ils sont vraiment bien pour retrouver des sensations sur le bike en...
Brendan Fairclough Southern California
par SCOTT.sports
Danny MacAskill fête son nouveau contrat !
'The Wind That Cried The World' by The Phantom Band
Video Production:
Danny MacAskill x adidas Outdoor : Welcome to the Family
par 26in
Chris Akrigg, le génie du vélo.
Chris Akrigg - IN THE ROUGH
par 26in
197 548 vues |
Besoin d'un baby sitter ? Voyez avec Danny MacAskill pour quelques sensations fortes !
In his latest film Danny Macaskill takes on some child care the only way he knows how... by taking them for a wee bike ride around Scotland!
No children were involved in any stunts during the making of Danny Daycare! Please don't try this at home (obviously!)
Created by http://cutmedia.com
'Hitchin a Ride' by Vanity Fare courtesy of Universal Music
Danny Macaskill: Danny Daycare
par 26in
Brook MacDonald a eu des bons comme des mauvais jours durant sa carrière en tant que pilote de DH. Mais il a appris à tirer parti des mauvais moments pour toujours continuer à poursuivre sa quête de victoire et... c'est tout ce qu'on lui souhaite !!
Photos : @maddogboris
Extraits vidéos des courses : RedBull TV et MS Mondraker.
The Art Of Passion Episode 5 // Brook MacDonald 'Cranking to the limit'
par 26in
10 154 vues |
Weston Lloyd est originaire de Salt Lake City. Il n'a que 11 ans mais il a déjà du style à revendre.
Weston Lloyd - 11 ans
par 26in
7 505 vues |
At some point in their riding careers, almost everyone will find themselves in areas where bikes aren't necessarily welcome. So when we do find ourselves exploring the forbidden and unknown, it's best to keep your head down and do it discreetly. Because they can't find you if they don't know who you are.
Video: Wiley Kaupas & Drew Boxold
Rider Unknown
par 26in
15 657 vues |
L'histoire de Chris Akrigg, certainement l'un des VTTiste plus talentueux et créatif. Lui-même à du mal à se définir, il n'est pas "trialiste" car son coup de guidon va bien au delà du simple franchissement d'obstacle. Il est maitre dans l'art de la maitrise d'un deux roues, quelque soit la forme du guidon, le type de transmission ou la largeur du pneu.
Hi. I'm Chris Akrigg and this is my story so far. I've been riding riding bikes since I was five years old and I'm still going s...
par 26in
96 272 vues |
VICE's Red Cards meets one of downhill biking's all-time biggest names, Missy "The Missile" Giove. One of the first women to break out on the mountain biking scene in the 90s, Giove was known for her high-intensity riding style and outspoken personality. Her peddle to the meddle attitude did not always result in the safest rides, however, and Giove suffered several injuries throughout her career, eventually causing her to put down the bike.
With mounting medical bills and few other option...
The Champion Mountain Biker Turned Drug Smuggler
par 26in
1 401 371 vues |
Ce vlog est consacré au shooting photo avec la team de chez YT Industries. Nous avons rouler plusieurs endroits aux alentours de Marseille.
This vlog is dedicated to the photo shooting with Yt Industries team. We have ride several places around "Marseille".
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bryanregnier
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/regnierbryan902
Twitter: https://twitter.com/regnierbryan1?lan...
Produced by Hugo Marin.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hugolem...
SHOOTING | VLOG 02 | Bryan Regnier
par Bryan Regnier
7 706 vues |
Erwan Minet, 16ans. Il pratique le DH en compétition. Au cours de cette saison il a décroché le titre de champion d'Ile de France de DH, ce qui lui a permis de participer aux championnats de France. Il va concourir à l'international cette année avec les Crankworx 2018.
Il est donc à la recherche de sponsors pour 2018 afin de l'aider dans ses futurs courses !
Erwan Minet - YOUNG POWER
par bmfilms
1 194 vues |
Thanks for watching, you legends!
You can keep up to date with all my social media platforms below. Go follow them!
Instagram: @mattjonesmtb
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mattjonesmtb/?fref=ts
Be sure to check out my filmer's social media platforms too!
Instagram: @scottpattenden
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/scottpattenden
par 26in
269 423 vues |
Yooo people!
Back in the woods this week. Pumped to be putting a few of these videos out regularly now! I had a sick session on the jumps but one of the jumps needed fixing so I made it ride awesome. So the whole line of trails is feeling rad now! Thanks for watching my videos everyone! Can't wait for more winter MTB fun and more enduro bike fun..
Dropping a couple videos next week, so make sure you hit that red button, and turn notifications on!
Thanks for watching, you legends!...
Making The Jumps Sick!
par 26in
226 739 vues |
Yooo people!
Back in the woods this week. Pumped to be putting a few of these videos out regularly now! We've got a pretty funny video for you today, which features some riding at my home jumps, but with a bit of a twist after finding a bath tub in the woods..! Guess you'll have to watch to find out!
Dropping a couple videos next week, so make sure you hit that red button, and turn notifications on!
Thanks for watching, you legends!
You can keep up to date with all my social med...
Dirt Jump Session! *Bath Tub Challenge?!*
par 26in
Watch Sam Reynolds push mountain biking to the extreme in The Red Series, presented by Polo Red Extreme.
RALPH LAUREN | The Red Series: Sam Reynolds | Polo Red Extreme
par 26in
Jamais trop de whips
Whips, Whips and more Whips | Crankworx MTB Whip Off Highlights 2017
par 26in
The first rendition of Black Sage by the Fest Series was hosted by Kyle Jameson & Carson Storch east of Bend, OR at the Oregon Dirt Park. All the boys travelled from the corners of the earth to enjoy a week and a half of shredding the Black Sage course, and all that Central Oregon has to offer. Kyle and Carson spent 6 months carving the line out of the earth, and it was enjoyed by all. Thanks to all the fans that came out to support the boys on the public day.
Fest Series 2017- Black Sage Highlight
par 26in
DEATHGRIP is now Available to purchase worldwide on ITunes.
The long anticipated feature movie puts the defining style of Brendan Fairclough with the progressive filmmaking of Clay Porter. Over 2 years in the making and following the critically acclaimed global premier tour, DEATHGRIP can now be experienced in the comfort of your own home.
Also Available on: Xbox, Playstation, Google Play, Amazon, Vudu, Fandango Now, Vimeo on Demand http://geni.us/DEATHGRIP
Stay tuned for more at: h...
par 26in
In 2016 Portugal was in grip of one of the worst droughts in its recent history. With high winds and average temperatures above 30 degrees ( 86 Fahrenheit) the country, unfortunately, provides the perfect target for heavy wildfires.
Until August last year nearly 116,000 hectares (286,600 acres) of forest, an area the size of 100,000 soccer fields, got burned.
Also the Algarve region, that is a famous tourist destination and provides some of Europe's best mountain bike trails, was hit by m...
ARSON - Mountainbiking in the burnt landscape of Portugal
par 26in